Ayurvedic Face Massage

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Ayurvedic Face Massage

Ayurvedic face massage is based on the ancient therapeutic principles of Ayurveda. It is a non-invasive and the most natural face lift that you can have.

The Ayurvedic view of health is in physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and that health is maintained by the balance of three subtle life-giving forces or Doshas: Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha each of these three Doshas has a role to play in the body and each Dosha possesses individual qualities.

In Ayurveda, it is said that the ‘lifeforce’ is located in the head. We will work into these points to stimulate the lifeforce, balance and revitalise the bodies energies and assist in relieving tension and pressure.

This treatment can complement any holistic body massage therapist Aromatherapist or beauty therapist practice. We recommend this facial massage:

  • to relax and promote harmony to the mind and body

  • to de-stress

  • release stress induced toxins from the face and restore it to natural balance

  • to promote healing working with the emotions on a deep level

It is thought that Ayurvedic Facial Massage will:

  • promote relaxation to the muscles of the face and stimulates the circulation

  • improves the muscle tone of the face

  • relieve sinus congestion

  • assist lymphatic drainage

  • promote a reduction in neck and shoulder tension

  • promote a healthy glow to the complexion and imparts a smooth texture to the skin

Ready to Restore Harmony in Your Mind, Body, and Spirit?


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